Town of Mendocino
The rugged Mendocino Coastline offers a picturesque backdrop for some of the finest dining experiences available.

Less than 3 hours from the Golden Gate Bridge, Mendocino Magic is located in Laytonville, California, a direct ride up the Redwood Highway (Rte 101), just north of Willits and 35 minutes from the Mendocino Coast. Enjoy miles of running paths, amazing fishing, hiking and panoramic views on property totally surrounded by miles of timber at our 1500 ft elevation.

"It Was Fabulous!" - Emily Castillo,
Washington Mutual Bank

INSTRUCTIONS AND DRIVING DIRECTIONS From SF/Bay Area, it is a straight drive North on 101. Take 101 North past Ukiah to Willits. 22 miles North of Willits is Laytonville. Once in Laytonville, turn left on Branscomb Road. Exactly 3.3 miles up Branscomb Rd. you will pass a white sign on the right that reads 3000 Branscomb Rd. You will see a vertical post marked "3000", make a right and proceed to the main gate.


Visit the Town of Mendocino, Westport and Fort Bragg via the old Branscomb Road.

Enjoy the Skunk train: This delightful outing goes from Ft. Bragg to Willits and back (7 hours), or halfway and back (3 hours).

Whale watching: Northward in springtime & southward in the fall; many places to view, or take a chartered boat ride right out to them! Binoculars are helpful from the coastline.

Redwood museums: We have several in the area

Bicycling: Maps available

Golf & tennis: Nice 9-hole golf course in Little River. Private tennis club nearby

Gift shops: Everywhere in Mendocino

Seal watch: At McKerricher State Park just north of Ft. Bragg. Handicap accessible, and breathtakingly beautiful.

Skin-diving: Abalone when in season. Check out the Dive Shop in Ft. Bragg

Tide pools: Two low tides each day. Truly many amazing creatures can be found to wonder at.

State Park programs: call (707) 937-5804
Mushrooming: A fall activity, be sure to know what you are doing!

Picnics: Here at the Ranch, at the beach, up the river, etc. Beauty seems to be everywhere.

Galleries: Mendocino is an artist community, and there are several in town.

Local shows

Botanical Gardens: walk through the lush gardens to the ocean.

Fishing village: In Ft.Bragg; boats to see, great places to eat.

Eating out: There is everything from yuppie gourmet to McDonalds within reach. We can recommend our favorites.

July Music Festival: An amazing 2 weeks of the finest music. Truly should not be missed.

Paul Bunyan Days: Labor Day weekend; parade, logging contests, crafts fair, much more. Fun cannot be avoided.

Beaches: There are numerous public and many secluded beaches for kids and/or solitude. The beauty is truly impossible to describe.

Sleep: Available in almost unlimited quantity, and at your pleasure! It is so very quiet here.

Horseshoes: There is a nice pit here at the Ranch

Go to church: Share your " flavor" and we can help.




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